Making the decision to put your mother or father in an in-home care program is a difficult one to make. As a person begins to age, they are often not able to do the things that they used to do. You may notice that their hygiene is lacking or the things they once loved they don’t seem to be able to keep up with. If your parents are unable to get out of the house much and you notice that housekeeping and other things around the home are lacking; it may be time to call in professional help.

Talking to a Loved One about In-Home Care
It can be one of the hardest conversations that you ever have. Talking to a family member about elderly home care and their declining health is never easy. You want to be open and honest, yet you want to be tactful to ensure you don’t hurt their feelings. Make a list of the things that you see that is going on and be sure to have that list with you when you talk to them. They are probably going to be in denial about the situation, as they want to stay on their own as long as possible. No one wants to leave the comforts of home and the thought of a nursing facility is scary to some.In-home care is not a nursing home; rather it extends their ability to stay in their own home. Be sure to explain to your loved one that by signing up with a program such as this, they won’t have to leave and they will have the assistance they need. Many people feel that having someone in their space is a violation, but just explain to them that the things they cannot get done will be taken care of. It will be hard to open their home to someone else, but it is worth it.

What If They Say “No”?
If a parent or loved one refuses your suggestion for in-home care, then it may be time to have tough love. You need to point out to them that for them to continue to be able to live on their own; they have to have some help. They may not understand the need or urgency, as they may not see the decline in their health. Remind them of the thing they are having trouble doing and point out how a home health aide can help them accomplish all those things. Little things like going to the grocery store, or doing their laundry can seem to be an all day task. Also, if a person is in a wheelchair or has mobility issues, these tasks may not be possible.When the loved one says no, it may require some more persuasion on your part. If you are the acting power of attorney you may have to sign up for the services for them. Most elderly fear that elderly home care is just one step away from a nursing home and the final place they will be. Growing old is difficult and not being able to do the things that they once loved too can also be a bitter pill to swallow. Share your feelings with them and tell them why you think this would be a good thing. Tell them how concerned you are. If there are no family members around, or you live far from your family, you may want to stress the importance of having someone close. Let them know that the agency is their friend and they just want to help. Stress the independence and also the fact that they can remain in their own home.

What Is In-home Care?
In home care is designed to be a support system for a senior or person who is disabled. They can provide personal care, like bathing, combing their hair and washing their clothes. They can cook for them or help prepare meals. They can run the sweeper, dust and do other household chores that have become too much. They can also provide transportation to and from doctors’ appointments, as well as trips to the store for necessities. Best of all, an in-home worker provides companionship to someone who is all alone. Many caregivers develop relationships with their patients. They play games like checkers, cards and do other activities to pass the time. Soon, most patients enjoy having the company and the help.A Needs Assessment
Whether your loved one is for the idea or not, a needs assessment will need to be done. A care administrator will come out to the home and evaluate the person based on their needs. They may qualify for a few hours per week or a whole lot more. It all depends on their health concerns, mobility issues, and what they need help with. It’s best to discuss your family members’ wishes before they get to this state. It’s easy to point out all the reasons why they need help when they are in the moment, but having a written will or power of attorney is helpful in getting things accomplished when they are not cooperative.

Find out how Ally Independence can help you with the process. If you need professional care services, we are just a phone call away. We will walk you through the process and help you talk to your loved one. Our in-home care providers want to make the process easy for you and your family. The cost of in-home care is significantly less than that of assisted living or nursing home care. Most insurance companies will pay for a portion of elderly home care, if not all, of the services. We know how difficult this is and we want to take the burden from you. Your act is one of love and compassion and knowing that you’re doing the best thing for your family is what’s important. Call us today to see how we can help you out. We are just a phone call away and always have an ear for listening to the concerns of our family members.
